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lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Values Vs.The Influence On The Behavior Of An Individual

      There is a value theory, it investigation began in ancient philosophy, where its called ethics. Early philosophical investigations sought to understand ¨good and evil ¨ , and the concept of  ¨the good¨ .
The behavior of an individual depends on the values on him, because they are who will say what is right and wrong.
In the values depends the thinking of everybody, there´s a list of values a person needs, to be in peace with himself and with other citizens, it includes the respect t yourself and others, fellowship, friendship. generosity, etc.
But values depends on the breeding and what the child see at home, if in the child house are so much antivalues, people screaming, violence, etc. When the child grows up will be a violent person, or may be much painful, and quiet, reserved, etc. but if in his house there's much love, with a respectful family, etc. There are much possibilities to the child to be respectful, with a good behavior.
That's why values are important in the behavior of an individual, because the values of a person makes him who he or she is, and the way he is going to treat others and how he is going to act at school or in job or in anywhere he go.

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