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lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Values vs. The Influence On The Behavior Of An Individual

Values are principles on behaviors of one's judgement about what's important in life. Values are mostly tough to us by our parents at home.
They define and guide our behavior; The behavior are the actions displayed by an organism in response to its environment .
To way they do and do the things they do implies learning about values and believes  behaviors values and believes. Behaviors are supposed to be consistent to one´s values.
In the following lines I will give examples of the values I consider the most important and how they affect our behavior as human beings:

-Honestly and fairness: Make us act transparently, fairly and responsibly.
-Trust and integrity: Make us act with dignity and make people believe in us.
-Team work and inclusion: Practicing inclusion and working in team make us share and practice generosity.
-Equality: We are all equal and should receive equal opportunities.
-Respect: We should treat everyone with dignity and respect everyone's points of view.
It is important to reinforce the teaching  and learning of values in human beings in order to improve the behavior and development of society.

Diego Carballo /1st Writting Prodution

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